In the past, if you had multiple stores that needed to use the same form, you could only recreate the form. This would waste a lot of time and effort, especially when the form had many fields.

Now, our forms support the export and import function, which means you can quickly create any form you need in any of your stores. You no longer need to go through the tedious process of recreating forms.

Export the form you need

Step1:Please select the form to be exported, click on the downward triangle on the right side of the form, and then click on the Export button.

For example, you need to export a form named "Contact Us with Info Box". Click on the downward triangle on the right side of the form, and then click on the "Export" button in the dropdown menu.

Step2:Click on "Copy form creation code" on the new page

When you see the prompt "Copy Successfully," you are done.

Import the forms you need into the new Pify Form Builder

Step1:Click the Import button located in the top right corner of the app

Step2:Paste the previously copied form creation code into the input box on the new page, Then click "Import"

When the "Import Successfully" prompt appears, it means that the import process has been successful. You can view the imported forms in the form list.